Personal Injury

I Was In A Motorcycle Crash: What Do I Do Now?

Compared to accidents involving passenger vehicles, accidents involving motorcycles are remarkably more dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists and their passengers were 27 times more likely than occupants of passenger vehicles to die as a result of a motor vehicle crash in 2017. In that same year, an estimated 89,000 people were injured as a result of motorcycle accidents. Many of those injured can face high medical costs, time spent away from work, a lengthy recovery, … Read More

By grandelaw, 5 years ago

Personal Injury

What Do You Do If You Are Injured By An Emergency Vehicle?

Sirens wail and lights flash as a police officer races through busy streets at breakneck speeds. Despite training and the exercise of caution, accidents can and do occur. If you’re injured when a police car or other law enforcement vehicle strikes you, what happens? Do you have rights? When responding to a legitimate crisis, police officers and other emergency response personnel have broad discretion, doing anything necessary to get to the scene as quickly as possible. Most of us agree … Read More

By grandelaw, 5 years ago

Personal Injury

Multi-Vehicle Accident: What Do I Do After An Auto Collision?

Auto accidents are bad enough without complications. Even small accidents mean a big headache: dealing with insurance adjusters, scheduling estimates, and trying to navigate the rental car maze. When injuries are involved, things become even worse, as doctor visits and therapy appointments start to interfere with the activities of daily life. In a more complex accident involving multiple vehicles, the difficulties multiply exponentially. Now, there are three or more insurance companies to deal with, the possibility of numerous passengers, and … Read More

By grandelaw, 6 years ago

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