Hit By An Uninsured Driver in Rhode Island? Here’s What to Do

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As a Rhode Island Personal Injury Law Firm, we always hear devastating news and are asked fearful questions by clients who were injured by an uninsured party:

  • What can I do if I was hit by an uninsured driver?
  • I was just injured in a major motor vehicle accident, and now I am hospitalized, but the at-fault party was uninsured!
  • Should I hire a motor vehicle accident lawyer after a collision with an uninsured driver?

While each of these questions sounds a little different, they all have this similarity: We have been hurt, might have to seek treatment or therapy, might be out of work, or even have a friend or family member that is now deceased, but the party responsible for the accident has no insurance. Breathe Easy – we can help.

Can you believe approximately 13% of drivers do not have auto insurance? It is a startling statistic but true. Because of the rising costs of owning and operating a vehicle, we are seeing uninsured motorists more frequently. Then, those uninsured drivers get behind the wheel and cause accidents and compound problems for those involved.

If you or someone you love has been involved in an accident with someone who isn’t insured, please keep reading so you will be able to make informed decisions for the best outcomes for this devastating issue.

You Have Been Hit by an Uninsured Driver – Now What

When you have been hit by an uninsured motorist, things can move very quickly. Collect as much information as possible from the at-fault driver as quickly as you can.

First things, first: collect as much information as possible, including:

  • The other car’s make, model, and registration number – take a picture of the car and license plate if you must, but this information will be key to moving forward.
  • Contact the police. Having the police assist with the information collection – especially if you have been seriously injured and need medical attention right away – will help you have peace of mind in the midst of the chaos.
  • Name and address of the other driver.
  • Any nearby witnesses’ information.
  • Photographs and descriptions of any damage.
  • Be sure that the police are informed that the other driver does not have insurance as quickly as possible. After an accident, get medical help right away. Even if you believe your injuries don’t appear significant, having a medical provider check you out will be beneficial because often, after an accident, your adrenaline will kick in, and you might not be as aware of the pain until days later. u. Automobile accidents can sometimes result in long-term injuries. If you decide to sue for damages later, you’ll need proof that you sought medical assistance .q

Is There Anything Else I Can Do After Getting Injured by an Uninsured Motorist?

Being involved in a car accident is stressful and upsetting, no matter the circumstances. An accident with an uninsured motorist further compounds the pain and suffering by not having a clue as to who will pay for the damages. Because you and your insurance company might typically look to the other driver’s insurance for property damage and personal injury coverage after a car accident, now you will need to hire an investigator to do an asset check or to examine your own insurance policy for uninsured motorist coverage.

How Can a Rhode Island Accident Injury Lawyer Assist?

1. We Provide resources to support your case

We are experts. This is not the first time we have seen a driver without auto insurance. We have seen a multitude of cases with different variables, so we have the experience to help you with your personal injury case.

2. Assist you in the healing process

By handling the administration of your case, Louis W. Grande Injury Lawyer will free up your time so you can concentrate on your recovery. We do not want you to be troubled with legal questions and the fog of the trauma of an accident and further complicate your wellbeing with the burden of paperwork, medical requests, filings, phone calls, and more. We want you to heal and get back to your best self.

3. Accident Investigation

You’re trying to get back on your feet emotionally and physically, and you don’t want to relive the tragedy while figuring out what went wrong and what to handle next. That is our job as your legal advocate! Our team will go to the accident scene and acquire the evidence you’ll need to be prepared to litigate if needed. We will deal with the insurance companies and police, allowing you time to focus on getting healthier.

4. Present your case

Building the strongest possible case against the defendant is our goal for you, so you can rest easy and know that we are working toward your best interests and outcomes. Get paid the amount you deserve – it matters when you are just trying to get back to your life.

5. Strike an agreement with the insurer

After years as an attorney, Louis W. Grande is an expert negotiator who can take the difficult task of dealing with the insurers involved head-on. The insurance company might attempt to send sub-par settlement offers, and those are best handled by a seasoned personal injury attorney who can course correct the process with the skills earned over years of working with other insurance providers. You will receive enough compensation to get your life back on track. Our firm can assist you in determining whether to accept an offer from the insurance company or to reject it and proceed to trial. Your decisions should be informed decisions, and our firm stands ready to help.

6. Court preparation

In the event the responsible party refuses to be accountable for a fair offer, your attorney will prepare you and your case for court. Although the possibility of a lawsuit may sound intimidating to you, having a powerhouse personal injury lawyer like Louis W. Grande Injury Lawyer will build confidence and ease.

Bottom Line

Following an automobile accident, there are many factors and outcomes – the best action plan is to quickly get as much information as possible and immediately secure a personal injury attorney with years of experience caring for those who might have seen similar kinds of problems you are facing. Do not wait to be re-injured by the big insurance bullies or be taken to task by a motorist without insurance.

It’s essential to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer about your options – Now. Rhode Island trusts Louis W. Grande Injury Lawyer, and you should too.

Author Bio

Since founding his personal injury firm in 1990, Louis W. Grande has established himself as one of Providence's most trusted and effective legal advocates for the injured. With more than 32 years of experience practicing law, he has successfully represented clients in a wide range of injury cases, including car accidents, premise liability, dog bites, medical malpractice, product liability, and other personal injury actions.

Louis earned his Juris Doctor from the Hamline University School of Law and maintains active membership in the Rhode Island Bar Association. His exceptional work in personal injury law has earned him recognition from prestigious legal rating organizations, including Super Lawyers and Best Lawyer and Law Firm in both 2020 & 2021.

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